Tuesday, September 1, 2009

South County Burden

Last night some friends and I were talking about the burden that God has given us for South Orange County. God has definitely opened doors for us to reach people here, but it is also very easy to become overwhelmed by the task. The initial demographic study of the area designated as South County is roughly 750,000+ people living between the intersection of the 405 and the San Diego County Line. To further overwhelm us, while there are many churches in South County, there remains a mass of unchurched people in the area.

The burden that God has laid so heavily on Olga and I and the team that is working with us is not to make any of these people churched, but that we can shine God’s love to them where they are. God hasn’t called us to bring these lost and hurting people religion, He commissioned us to go to where they are with the Good News of His Love and Salvation.

We’re beginning this work with little or no budget, no building… only the burden. Our first few gatherings have been held at the Mission Viejo Community Center, outside in their park area. I know this is really out there for some of the more traditional blog followers, but South Orange County is a different kettle of fish. Traditional methods of growing a church simply won’t work. We’re surrounded by the pinnacle or mega-churches from all over the religious spectrum; emerging, fundamental, charismatic, evangelical, etc. Coming in to this area with just another average congregation will end in failure; and frankly, failure is simply not an option.

After much prayer and discussion from within the team, this is the direction that we feel God is directing us. We are beginning a viral campaign that will direct people to our website, http://lifepointcommunity.cc. On the website we’ll be adding a series of Bible studies and Life-Lessons that will introduce them to God in a fresh, innovative way without the confines of a church building or religious structure. We will direct people to our website through direct mailers, posters and flyers all over the area, one city at a time. In addition to this, the LifePoint team will continue our efforts to connect with people individually through our small groups and social events (BBQs, dinners, ballgames, parties, etc.). We will also continue to teach one-on-one Bible studies to anyone who is hungry to know more about God.

We also feel strongly that God is calling us to make more than just a religious impact on South County. There are thousands of people who are in need of food, clothing and other essentials. We are partnering with the OC Food Bank to provide food for as many families as we can reach. Each Sunday afternoon we’ll be delivering grocery bags with food and other items to families all over South County. It is our prayer that by our shining God’s Love to these hurting and needy families that God will open the door for us to teach them the Good News.

God called us to be disciple-makers (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8), and this is what we intend to do. I’m not asking any of you to support our efforts monetarily (although we won’t turn down a donation, lol), but I am asking that each one you pray for the work in South County. I know that there will be some who don’t agree with our approach, and might even criticize, but we can all agree that God loves these people and that they need to hear the Good News. Partner with us in prayer. Share with us this burden to see God revolutionize people’s lives with the power of His Love.

Thanks to all of you who have sent the many emails of support and love. Your words have encouraged and strengthened. We’ll keep y’all up-to-date on everything going on in South County.


  1. Jeff Hennigan12/21/2009

    Go for it! Love what you're doing!

  2. Laura M. Beck-Gardner12/21/2009

    Nothing by the BEST wishes for your success in South County. I know you will do great things there. Just as you all have been continually ding so for me and my family…I will pray for you all, your families and those that God has placed on your hearts. Much love!

  3. Jeff Silvestri12/21/2009

    Love this. The burden conveyed so perfectly.

  4. Stephanie Michelli12/21/2009

    No time like the present for a fresh approach. Kudos on having your eyes and heart wide open.

  5. Mark Briggs12/21/2009

    love your "South County Burden" LOve the way your thinking

  6. Anonymous12/21/2009

    God is definitely up to something and it is not traditional---move with the leading of the Love of God and by His Spirit and you can not fail.....God Bless you all!!!!!!!!!!
