Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why Discipleship? Why Now?

Those of you who know me or have spent time with me over the past seven years or so know that I have a passion for studying the Text and applying it to my own life as best I can. One of my favorite passages in the Text is Matthew 28:16-20 where Jesus gave His rabbinic yoke (His doctrine) to His disciples. When we understand just how important Jesus’ words on the mountain were to the eleven remaining disciples, we can begin to understand how this Commission applies in our own lives.

Throughout the three-and-a-half years of His earthly ministry, Jesus continually reiterated—whether by word or by action—that He had no intention of establishing an earthly kingdom. This somewhat flew in the face of the zealot-leaning twelve that He had chosen to be His talmidim (Hebrew idiom referring to a group of rabbinic students), as they believed—as did many of the common Jews—that the Messianic Reign would be earthly in nature, banishing to nothingness all dictatorial rule over the Chosen Nation. It wasn’t until the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry that they began to comprehend that His Plan and Purpose was to establish a Spiritual Kingdom within the hearts and lives of people.

Let’s fast-forward a couple thousand years or so to our time. Are our out-reach methods fulfilling the Commission, or are they building our churches? Are we making converts to our brand of religious, denominational Christianity, or are we making disciples, one individual at a time?

Jesus commissioned His disciples to individually and collectively go and make disciples themselves; teaching the new believers everything that Jesus had taught them. He never commissioned them to go build denominal religious organizations or mini-franchises of the same. He never commissioned them to go make converts; individuals who have been swayed by the veracity of our argument rather than by personal intimacy with God. Are we—when we examine our collective efforts today—willing to admit that we have somewhat drifted from the original Commission?

Do we invite people to church or do we take Jesus to them? Let’s be honest, would we spend as much time in an out-reach effort if we knew that the people we reach would never become members of our local congregation? How much funding would we apply to efforts that didn’t butts on the chairs or pews that we purchased?

A disciple-maker doesn’t have the agenda of adding numbers to a roster. A disciple-maker is only concerned about one thing: taking Jesus to individuals, then teaching those individuals about His love. Getting those individuals to become a part of our local congregation should be at least secondary, if not even further down the priority list.

Somewhere along with way we lost sight of the fact that our responsibility is to plant the seed, care for the seed and to bring the plant to fruition. God has reserved the right of harvest for Himself. If we do our part, God will do His. If we begin to put His missional Purpose (the Missio Dei) first, then He will fill our congregations with individuals who are not only hungry for more Truth, but who are believers rather than converts to pentecostalism.

Why now? The answer is simple: we’re running out of time. Jesus said that if we aren’t gathering for Him, we’re scattering against Him. The time for gathering disciples for Him is now. We don’t have the luxury of passing this responsibility down to future generations. This task is ours; we have to assume full responsibility and begin to fulfill the Commission to go everywhere and make disciples for Jesus Christ.

If the congregation you’re a part of doesn’t have a discipleship effort, start one. If it does, become a part of it. Get involved in the Kingdom. Grow His Kingdom. You’ll never experience true spiritual fulfillment until you bear fruit. Let Hanna’s passion become your own: give me children or I’ll die!

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