Friday, November 5, 2010

Godly Leadership

Leadership that dominates is simply not godly leadership, nor GOD-delegated. Peter gave his leadership principles when he said to lead by example, not as overlords. Jesus demonstrated true godly leadership characteristics in His examples of servitude.

If you've been entrusted by GOD with the responsibility to lead a group of people, check your motives. Is your goal to bring those in your charge closer to GOD, or closer to your way of thinking? Do you inadvertently or otherwise dominate them? Do you ever find yourself manipulating individuals or situations to fit your own personal goals or plans? Do you resort to intimidation when your pulpiteering doesn't quite sway the congregation to the path you've chosen? Domination, manipulation, intimidation… all three are key components of witchcraft. If you are truly a GOD-delegated leader, there's never any reason to engage in any of these practices, as your example of godliness will go further and have much greater impact in the lives of others.

Godly leaders aren't seeking a hierarchal ministry that elevates them to a revered position, but rather a biblical ministry of servitude; leading from beneath. Jesus—the Almighty GOD made flesh—became the very least among His disciples by washing their feet, providing both them and us with the greatest example of who a true godly leader is: a servant.

Free those in your charge from the confines of subservience to you, your ideas and your credenda. Release them to live free and unencumbered with your philosophies about GOD, and introduce them to GOD Himself, Jesus Messiah. Your stress level will sharply decrease and you'll rediscover the godly joy of serving others.


  1. Sue Rickard11/05/2010

    I agree Monte!! Those leaders who are not secure in their own calling and relationship with the Lord use control, manipulation...same as witchcraft to keep the sheep.....seen it myself unfortuantely): Great responsibility for those who are to shepherd God's children and great accountability as well! Good post!

  2. Thanks for the post, man. I like what David Bernard said about leadership: "Qualities of a good leader: servanthood, self-discipline, ability to communicate." Servanthood is key.

  3. Mary Diaz11/05/2010

    AWESOME Monte!! so true, servitude is the key to leadership.

  4. Thank you Sue for your thoughts. I'm all of us—at one time or another—have witnessed an overbearing leader; in fact, some of us may have filled those shoes ourselves. You're correct, it's a great responsibility to be GOD-called.

  5. Thank you Seth, I'm honored that it ministered. Good thoughts from DKB.

  6. Thanks Moms, you're the best mother-in-law I've got.
