Listening to GOD is the first step toward obeying Him. We can go back to when Moses and the Israelites entered into a covenant with GOD, and Moses commanded them to hear, learn and follow His statutes. As Christ-imitators, we also have entered into a covenant with Jesus Messiah and should be responsive to what He expects. Moses' threefold command to the Israelites is excellent advice for all GOD's followers:
- Listening is absorbing and accepting information about GOD.
- Learning is understanding its meaning and implications.
- Obeying is putting into action all we have learned and understood.
All three parts are essential to a growing relationship with GOD.
Listening for GOD is training in humility. Another example is with Elijah, he knew that the sound of the gentle whisper was GOD's voice. He realized that GOD doesn't reveal himself only in powerful, miraculous ways. To look for GOD only in something big (crusades, conferences, highly visible leaders, etc.) may be to miss Him, because He is often found gently whispering in the quietness of a humbled heart.
Spiritual listening is always followed by action. It is important to listen to what GOD's Word says, but it is much more important to obey it; to do what it says. We can measure the effectiveness of our study time by the effect it has on our behavior and attitudes.
Do you put into action what you have studied? Are you listening for GOD? Step back from the noise and activity of your busy life, and listen humbly and quietly for His guidance. It may come when you least expect it.
Thank you Monte for this post, it has really ministered to me.