Sometimes you just have to say, "Wow!"
Look how great our GOD is. Look at the world He created by the power of His voice. Look at how wonderfully we were made. One of my all-time favorite songs is How Great is Our GOD by Chris Tomlin. Chris, you definitely connected on this one.
It's very difficult—at times—when we're totally surrounded by the negativity of this life, to remember just how great our GOD truly is. So—to let you in on a personal practice and secret—when I'm just about overwhelmed by the nay-sayers and doubt that is inherently in my psyche, I begin to remind myself how great GOD is, and has been in my life. I think about all the times that He's delivered me, is my Provision, is my Healer, is continually my Savior, His Mercy, His Grace (wow, I could spend a month or more just talking about His ever-present Grace in my life)… I think you're getting the picture.
Sure, there are those who don't understand me, those who only see my myriad faults, those who can't seem to forget my past… In fact, more often than not, I personally fill all these roles of negativity and many more. The fact is, it doesn't matter how negative I am, nor anyone else is, GOD is still GOD. He still became sin to purchase expiation for the sin in which we were born. He still delivers, heals, saves, comforts.
He still deserves all our worship.
In a world filled with negativity, of this I am positive: my GOD is great.
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