Well, you knew it was coming. Everyone else is jotting down, blogging, tweeting, Facebooking (does MySpace still exist?) their thoughts on the new year, new decade, etc., so I figured that I needed to join in the fray.
Over the past eight years I've developed a personal practice of self-examination and reflection at the close of each year. This introspection has served to force me to face some ugly truths about myself, as well as stretch my spirit to new levels of relationship with GOD. In closing out 2009, my internal spirit-walk found many an area that requires adjustment, but also some areas in which I feel as though I've gained some ground. The most significant of these is in my trust level for GOD.
See, I've often said that I trust GOD, but the truth be told, I was lying to myself and anyone who bothered to listen. It's next to impossible to trust someone who you do not know. I'll be the first to admit that I know very little about GOD, but I am learning more about Him every day. I think this is what is meant by relationship.
In terms of relationship, 2009 was a record year for advancement. I've grown more close to GOD than I've ever been up to now. I'm also learning to trust Him. One of my favorite serendipitous moments of 2009 is the discovery that He was taking care of me and my family, even when we forgot to ask. I remember only praying for GOD to provide for our needs twice throughout the entire year, but we never went without food, we always had a roof over our head, a car to drive, friends… and so much more. It was almost as if He knew what we needed (image that—what with Him being GOD and all). In looking back I realized just how much GOD knew about me this past year, and how much I had learned about Him.
We're getting past the awkward phase.
You know that phase in dating when you're too nervous to eat in front of each other… where you're not quite sure if they'll still want to date you if they see you eat a salad. That's the phase that I'm realizing that I'm moving out of in my relationship with GOD. I've realized that He loves me. That's it, nothing else profound, He just loves me. Yes, He knows all the junk about me. And for those of you wondering, yes He knows about that too. It's like He's saying, go ahead, eat that salad with your mouth open, I love you for who you are not how together you act.
In light of this beautiful illumination, bring on 2010. If I learned all this last year, imagine what I'm going to learn this year. I can't wait to move to deeper relationship with GOD; in fact, I'm anticipating some major advancements in that department.
I have but one resolution for 2010. Actually, call it a declaration. Here goes: less of me, more of Him.
This is going to be a great year.
Monte, I really like this...keep 'em comin'. Happy New Year to you and yours.