Tuesday, December 8, 2009

L'Chaim [repost from NoNegativityNow.com]

I was asked recently to write an article for nonegativitynow.com, which was an extreme honor. This is one of my favorite websites, and I encourage you to check it out often. There are great writers (myself excluded) and and lot of whatnot that will help you in your walk with GOD. 


Have you ever noticed those people who go through life devoid of true interaction with anything other than themselves? These sad individuals are constantly surrounded in a shroud of negativity that clouds their judgement and blocks meaningful connections. I was once one such sorry soul, but a life-changing event positively altered my existence; I discovered GOD.

Now, I know what you're thinking, here he goes on some lame conversion story, but you'd be wrong. While I had known about GOD for my entire life, had even claimed to be filled with GOD, I existed empty, void, negative. The god I knew was only full of judgement, but the GOD I discovered called me to a deep intimate relationship. It was (and is) amazing. I was almost like GOD turned to me and (in a Joey Tribbiani voice) said, "How you doin'?" I was hooked.

The most amazing thing about this relationship with GOD is, the negativity has disappeared. Where I was once judgmental, I now extend mercy. Where I once pulled away from interaction with other people, I now embrace new friends and acquaintances. All because of intimacy with GOD.

In my opinion the reason that so many so-call "Christians" live such negative lives, is because they haven't discovered the difference between existence and life. The Jews have a phrase they use when toasting a drink, "la chaim," which simply means "to life." However, this phrase doesn't simply indicate a toast to life, it indicates a conscience choice of life over existence. We exist when we absorb but never give out. The only time we truly live is when we give out of ourselves. To choose life we have to give life. For example, the money in our wallets exists, but when we take that existing money and give it to someone in need, we are giving life to them, thus altering the money from mere existence to life.

To truly live we have to spill ourselves out to the world in which we live. It is physiologically impossible for you to stay depressed when you are helping someone else. The giving of ourselves gets our focus off of us and onto others. When we stop focusing on ourselves it is easy to let go of our negativity. Could this be the "more abundant life" that Jesus talked about; a life dedicated to giving to others?

Think about it, GOD gave so that we could live. This is GOD's character. When we discover GOD, we discover the power of giving ourselves away. When we give ourselves away, we release the negativity of simply existing. When we choose life, we choose GOD.

I chose GOD and He changed everything about me. No, this is not a product nor cure-all that "you too" can receive by sending in your check or money order for $19.95 to some obscure address in White Plains, NY. This is a choice that you have to make: either to live without GOD, or to be intimate with Him.

I dare you to try it.

I dare you to try GOD.

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