Last week Olga and I decided that we would save some money on our monthly bills by switching from Cox to AT&T. I believe in being a good steward with what God has entrusted me, so I felt really good about the switch. In doing so, I had no idea that I would be without Internet nor visual entertainment for almost a week (we turned Cox off before we knew AT&T's install date. Not smart).
The temporary lull in mediadic connectivity hasn't been an issue because our weekends are quite full; that is, until last night. I finished all my husbandly duties and work then noticed it was only 9:00 pm. Normally, this is where I'll catch up on personal emails, watch the news, then watch a sitcom via DVR, then fall asleep around mid-night or later.
But now it was 9:00 and there was nothing to do. Surely I couldn't just go to bed, it was too early.
I told my wife I was going to go sit outside the local Starbuck's and piggyback off their wifi. She asked why I didn't just check my email on my phone. There was a pause... I couldn't come up with a good reason. It was then that I realized I was trying to escape reality by entering into the virtual world. I was looking for a distraction.
As this realization flooded my conciousness I made a descision: I would not hide from my life. I hugged my kids and my bride and went to bed. It was here that God met me. My dreams were filled with visions of things God is going to do in my life, and dreams of what He's already done.
I awoke this morning rejuvinated (a rare occurence). Today my mind has been more clearly focused on His purpose. Thank You God for the respite. Thank You for meeting me outside of my distractions.
-- Post From My iPhone